Model : PRO-OE3C
The transmitters included with the security system have been pre-programmed at the
factory, with each button pre-assigned to control a specific function of the security
system. Although the security system in the vehicle has either a 3 or 4 channel
receiver, depending on the model, the transmitters included with the system are
capable of transmitting 7 distinct signals. This allows you to program each transmitter
to more than one vehicle in two car families, and also allows you to change which
button(s) control certain functions of the system.
(Example: Transmitter channel 5 can be programmed to activate Receiver channel
2.) Refer to the chart below for access to each of the transmitter channels, and for the
standard factory button assignments.
Some of the more common accessories for these additional channels are;
AS 9554 Remote Garage Door Interface
AS 9075 Remote car starter
AS 9153 Remote window roll up
AS 9256 Remote trunk release relay
Remote Arm
1 1 Remote Emergency Panic
Remote Door Lock
Remote Disarm
2 2 Remote Emergency Panic
Remote Door Unlock/Unlock 2
4& 4
5& 5
6 & 6 RF Channel For Options
7 7 RF Channel For Options
All 3
Single Push Pulsed Output for Optional Accessory
Or Double Push For Additional Optional Accessory
Single Push Pulsed Output for Optional Accessory
Or Push And Hold For Extended Output
Single Push Pulsed Output for Optional Accessory
Or Push And Hold For Extended Output