The Model SF uses many of the design features
of the popular AF burner for high efficiency
over a broad firing range. Both burners feature
the proven, one-piece flame retention burner
head that locks a highly stable, fuel-efficient
flame in place to produce fuel savings as high
as 35%. Because smoke is kept to zero in many
appliances, heat exchangers stay clean and
overall efficiency remains high for years.
The flame is so stable it is virtually unaffected
by chimney or poor draft conditions. This
makes the SF a smart choice where an appli-
ance has a minimal chimney, or no chimney at
all as on rooftop and other outdoor heaters.
The broad flame base is quieter too, due to the
precise mixing of air and fuel for optimum
combustion. It is compatible with the combus-
tion chamber shape of most furnaces and
The SF burner can be fired from 2.50 to 5.50
gph with no change of firing components. For
special application firing rates, additional com-
binations are available from 1.25 to 3.25 gph.
Capacities -Model SF
1.25 to 5.50 gallons per hour
175,000 to 770,000 BTU/hr input
No.1 or No.2 heating oil (ASTM D396) only
Height: 13-1/2"
Width: 15-3/8"
Depth: 8-1/2" (chassis only)
Electrical Characteristics
Motor: 3450 rpm, NEMA N-flange,
manual reset overload protection
120 V.l60 Hz.ll phase
10,000 V.l23 ma. secondary,
continuous duty shielded
Operating Load: 7.1 amp. (maximum)
Alternate Voltages
or Frequency: Consult Customer Service
Fuel Unit
Single stage or two stage
Power Supply:
U.S.A.:p.o. Box 1289' Elyria, Ohio 44036' 800-645.2876' (440)327-1060' FAX(440)327.1064
Cahada;R.W.BeckettCanada,Ltd.' Unit3.430 Laird Road' Guelph,Ontario,N1G3X7. 800-665-6972' FAX(519)763-5656