Wall-Mounted RH Sensor and RH/Temperature Sensor
Product Information Sheet
CPC specs a wall-mounted relative humidity (RH)
sensor (P/N 203-5751) and/or RH and temperature
sensor (P/N 203-5752) for use in building control and
anti-sweat control applications using CPC input
Input Power 12VDC
Enclosure High-impact plastic, white
Digitally profiled thin-film
RH Accuracy ±3% RH over the range 20%-90%
Stability <0.5% RH per year
Humidity Range
0-100% RH
Analog Output 0-5VDC; 3-wire, observe
Scaling 0-100% RH
±0.4°F from 32°F to 140°F
Analog Out Resistive, 2-wire, no polarity
Choosing a Mounting
Mount the sensor indoors in a central location within
the zone to be measured, away from doors, windows,
vents, heaters, and outside walls that could affect
temperature readings. The sensor should be at least
four feet from the floor, and no higher than necessary
to prevent tampering.
1. Insert a screwdriver into the gap in the plastic
on the bottom side of the sensor enclosure,
and pry the front part of the enclosure away
from the rear mounting plate. Pull the front
away from the mounting plate until the top
separates from the mounting plate.
2. Remove the punch outs above the wiring
connectors so that the sensor cables can be
run into the sensor enclosure (see Figure 1).
3. Use the pre-made holes to mount the plate
on a junction box using the screws provided,
or mount it against a wall or riser.
Do not
mount the plate upside down or sideways.
The plate should be mounted with the
terminal blocks toward the bottom.
4. If necessary, drill or cut a hole in the wall to
allow the sensor cable to be run through the
wall into the sensor’s terminal block.
Figure 1 - RH/Temp Sensor Back Plate
Wall-Mounted RH Sensor and RH/Temperature Sensor
Product Information Sheet