Title/Track Area Details
• Each item in the list represents a collection of music known as a “Title” in the Music
Guide or a “Station” in the Internet Radio Guide. Icons are displayed on the left side
of each row to indicate the type of Title or Station.
• Each Guide always has one highlighted Title or Station.
• A CD inserted into the front panel drive is always listed in the top location of the
ALL group in the Music Guide.
• The currently highlighted title’s information is displayed in the Info Text Area.
• Pressing the SELECT key when a Title is highlighted will expand the Title and
reveal the tracks contained in that Title. Pressing the SELECT key again will
collapse the Title and hide the track names.
• Titles are sorted alphabetically according to the current guide view: Cover, Songs,
Titles, and Artists. The guide view can be changed by toggling the MENU/VIEW
button on the remote or keyboard.
• Tracks are sorted by the track location on the original CD. On Playlists, tracks are
sorted in the order they were originally selected when creating the Playlist.
• Pressing the PLAY key when a Title is highlighted will play the Title. Pressing the
PLAY key when a Track is highlighted will play the track.
• Playing an External Audio Device from the Music Guide is accomplished by
selecting the name of the external device from the “Ext Input” Group.