Command/Response Tables for DSP SIS Commands
Digital signal processor (DSP) functions, gain and mute, can be controlled using
SIS commands. These commands follow the same general rules as basic SIS
commands, but the variables (
) tend to be more complex. Also, a comprehensive
understanding of the audio signal flow is helpful to understanding the commands.
The following diagram shows the specific DSP processors available for SIS commands.
NOTE: The entire signal flow is described in more detail in the section,
DSP Processing and Signal Flow on page 16.
Figure 18. DSP Processors Addressable via SIS Commands
The DSP Configurator program window addressable commands consist of an input signal
gain control, the mixer matrix, and output volume and gain controls.
a Mic/Line input gain control — Provides level adjustment, mute, polarity, and
phantom power selection.
b Mix-points — Mutes input signals to outputs.
c Output gain control — The stereo fixed output provides level adjustment and mute.
DSP control commands are an extension to SIS commands. They differ only in their data
string and the requirement to send each command with an “AU” suffix.
The OID number consists of five characters and identifies the specific gain processor type
or the mix-point. See Table 1.
— Level Control and Mix-point Selection Tables
<OID> for a complete list.
MVC 121 Plus • SIS Programming and Control 36