Instructions for Date-keeper photo calendar
The following instructions are for HP color inkjet printers, which load from the
front. If your printer loads from the back, please consult your printer's user guide.
Try printing a test page before using any specialty paper.
8.5 x 11-inch Wall calendar printing instructions
• 13 sheets of heavy 8.5 x 11-inch double-sided paper
• Ribbon, raffia, yarn, stapler, or brads
• Hole punch
Important note: Each month is made with two pages: one for your image
(artwork page) and one for the month with dates (calendar page). You will need
to save each month as an individual PDF file. There are also optional cover and
back pages to be saved as an individual PDF file.
If you want to print a two-sided wall calendar (recommended), you will need to
print the cover first with the month of January’s artwork page on the back side.
The January calendar page is printed on the front side of the next sheet of paper,
and the February artwork page is printed on the back of that page, and so on
through the rest of the months. Each page needs to be printed from two files.
See Table 1 below for printing sequence.
You can also print the calendar so that both the artwork and the calendar for an
individual month are on a single sheet of paper – see alternative instructions
Instructions for 2 pages per month wall calendar:
Although a bit tricky to print and assemble, this version of the wall calendar will
provide optimal readability for the individual dates.
1. Set your print preference to Best quality.
2. Place a sheet of double-sided high quality inkjet paper in your printer tray.
3. Set Page scaling to “None” in your Paper handling options.
4. Print first page according to chart below.
5. Remove the printed page from your printer tray and, without turning it over,
return it to the loading tray.
6. Print the back side of the page and allow it to dry completely.
7. After printing all of your calendar and cover pages, gather them together in