with the purchase of two of the same
qualifying Original HP LaserJet print cartridges.
Promotion marketing collateral information and instructions
Promotion timeframe: April 1 – May 31, 2009
HP Commercial Promotion
The marketing collateral includes the following:
1. Customizable flyer
a. Customizable option: You can customize the flyer
by modifying or removing certain text.
Here’s what to do:
insert your contact info.
delete it if you prefer it should not be on the
flyer or customize with your own message.
2. Eligible SKUs list—EligibleblackHPLaserJet
print cartridges SKU list to use for promotion
3. Web banners—Available in 300x240 or 100x100
pixel sizes
4. Mail-in coupon—End-userredemptioncoupon
All documents are available at
(after 03/07/09). Once logged in, click on
and marketing collateral.
In order to provide added support for this promotion, we have designed marketing collateral pieces that can
be customized. Review the materials and the instructions below to customize documents.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.