You can either directly press the time value that you
wish to modify, or use the cursor to select it. Then
use the [VALUE] dial to modify the time.
Press the “OK” button to finalize the change, or
press “Cancel” button to cancel the change.
6. Delete.............................................................
This lets you delete a scene.
The Undo function is not available after you delete
a scene. Please use caution.
6a. SelectAll.......................................[On, Off]
This selects all scenes for deletion.
On: All scenes will be subject to deletion.
The scene number will be displayed as “***.”
Off: The single scene selected in “Scene-
Number” will be subject to deletion.
7. Recall .............................................................
This recalls the settings that are registered in a
If you recall a scene and edit the EQ etc., pressing
the “Recall” button to recall it will recall the settings
prior to editing (i.e., the mixer settings that were
registered in the scene).
8. OvrWrt...........................................................
This overwrites the current mixer settings onto the
currently selected scene number. Use this when you
wish to make detailed adjustments to the scene, or
to replace it with a different scene.
Procedure for registering a scene
1 Move the current time to the location where you
wish to register the scene.
Use the counter (“Counter”) or the [FF]/[REW]
keys to move (→p.24).
2 Adjust the mixer settings.
Adjust the [CHANNEL] faders, [PAN] knobs, EQ,
and effects etc.
3 Register the scene.
• Press the [STORE] key, and the current time will
be stored.
• Press the [SCENE] key, and the scene number
“S***” to be registered will appear, and registra-
tion will be completed.
The time at which you pressed the [STORE] key
will register the current mixer settings as a scene.
Scenes you register are automatically numbered in
order, starting at the lowest unused number.
You can use step 3 above to register a scene even
while playing or recording a song.
Automatically switching scenes while the
song plays
Here’s how to make scenes switch automatically dur-
ing playback when their registered times arrive.
Register scenes at the time locations where you
want the mixer settings to change (→“Procedure for
registering a scene”).
1 Turn “SceneRead” “On.”
• Select the [SCENE] “ReadDel” tab page.
• Press the “SceneRead” button to turn it “On.”
When “On,” the [SCENE] key will light.
2 Play back the song.
Move to the location where you wish to start play-
back, and press the [PLAY] key to start playback.
When the registered time arrives, the scene will
change automatically.
Recalling a scene
Here’s how to recall the mixer settings registered in a
1 Turn “SceneRead” “Off.”
• Select the [SCENE] “ReadDel” tab page.
• Press the “SceneRead” button to turn it “Off.”
When “Off,” the [SCENE] key will be dark.
If “SceneRead” is “On,” it is not possible to recall
scenes that are registered at other time locations.
2 Recall the scene.
In the [SCENE] “ReadDel” or “MixView” tab page,
move the cursor to “SceneNumber
,” and rotate the
[VALUE] dial to select a scene. The selected scene
will be recalled.
Copying a scene
Here’s how to copy a registered scene to a different
time location.
1 Select the scene that contains the mixer settings you
wish to copy.
Recall the scene as described in the procedure for
“Recalling a scene.”
2 Move the current time to the location where you
wish to register the scene. (→p.24)
3 Register the scene.
Press the [STORE] key, and then the [SCENE] key.
Editing and overwriting a scene
Here’s how you can edit part of a scene, and overwrite
the edited settings onto that scene.
1 Recall the scene.
As described in the procedure for “Recalling a
scene,” recall the scene that you wish to edit.
2 Edit the settings of the scene.
Re-adjust the [CHANNEL] faders, [PAN] knobs,
EQ, and effects etc.
3 Overwrite the edited settings onto the scene.
• In the [SCENE] “ReadDel” tab page, make sure
that the scene number you wish to modify is
• Press the “OvrWrt” button.
A dialog box will ask you for confirmation. Press
the “Yes” button to overwrite the scene onto that