5. RetBal...................................[L63…CNT…R63]
Adjust the return balance from the master effect to
the master LR bus. “L” and “R” indicate L (left) and
R (right) of the master bus.
6. Bypass............................................................
Refer to “Bypass” for the insert effects (→p.80).
7. Rename..........................................................
Here you can modify the name of the effect pro-
Select the effect program whose name you wish to
modify, press the “Rename” button to access the
dialog box, and modify the name. A name of up to
16 characters can be input. (→p.14)
After modifying the program name, use “Store”
(→P1-8) to store it. The effect program name you
modified will be discarded unless you use “Store”
to store it.
8. Store ..............................................................
The effect program whose name or parameters you
modified can be stored in user areas “u001”–
”u032.” The D16 provides 32 user areas for master
In the “StoreEffect” dialog box, specify the “user
area number” and press the “Exec.” button to store
the effect. To cancel, press the “Cancel” button.
Effects are always overwritten. Please use caution.
P2 MstEff2: Selection and settings
for master effect 2
Here you can select and make settings for master effect
For details refer to “P1 MstEff1: Selection and settings
for master effect 1.”
The send amount from each channel (the input
level to the effect) is adjusted in the “EffSnd2” tab
P3 EffSnd1:
Send settings for effect 1
Here you can set the send amount from each mixer
channel to effect 1.
1. SendLevelMeter...............................................
(SND 1/CLP, –6, –12, –18, –40 dB)
This shows the send level to effect 1. The vertical
axis shows the level.
2. Send......... [Ch1…8, 9–10…15–16/000…100]
Adjust the send amount from each mixer channel to
effect 1.
3. Pair................................................................
Specify pairing for adjacent mixer channels. (→p.76
P4 EffSnd2:
Send settings for effect 2
Here you can set the send amount from each mixer
channel to effect 2.
For details refer to “P3 EffSnd1: Send settings for effect
P5 AuxSend:
External send settings
Here you can set the send amount from each mixer
channel that will be output to the [AUX OUT] jack.
For details on connecting and using an external effect,
refer to p.33.
1. SendLevelMeter...............................................
(SND A/CLP, –6, –12, –18, –40 dB)
This shows the output level to the [AUX OUT] jack.
The vertical axis shows the level.