WARNING! Never use the amplifier without a load
There are two parallel loudspeaker output jacks
provided for connection to the internal speakers or
extension cabinet. Please always ensure that the
amplifier's output impedance selector is set correctly
(see item 2) and ALWAYS ensure you use good quality
speaker (unshielded) cables. NEVER use guitar (shielded)
Always use a non-screened Marshall approved speaker
lead when connecting an extension cabinet to these
Matches the amplifier’s output to the load (speaker)
Your 1987X-PW should be completely powered down
before the Output Impedance Selector is turned.
As is the case with any Marshall all-valve amplifier it is
imperative that: a) the amplifier is connected to a load
whilst in operation and b) the impedance selected on
the amplifier matches the total impedance of the
extension speaker cabinet(s) being used. The two
internal speakers are 16 Ohms each.These are wired in
parallel giving an overall impedance of 8 Ohms;
therefore the output selector should be set to 8 Ohms.
If an additional 8 Ohm extension speaker cabinet is used
in conjunction with the internal speakers the output
selector should be set to 4 Ohms.
Note: No additional extension speaker cabinet with
impedance lower than 8 Ohms should be used in
conjunction with the internal speakers.
Failure to comply with any of the points raised in this
section will result in damage to the amplifier.
Matches the amplifier’s mains transformer to the
incoming mains voltage.
Your 1987X-PW should always be completely powered
down before the mains selector is turned.
WARNING! ALWAYS ensure that this rotary selector
is set to the correct mains voltage applicable for the
country where the 1987X-PW is being used. If you do
not know, consult your authorized Marshall dealer.
Adjusting the selector from 230V to 120/100V or vice-
versa will require the mains fuse (item 5) to be changed
to the correct value as detailed on the rear panel.
Your amp is provided with a detachable mains (power)
lead, which is connected here. The specific mains input
voltage rating that your amplifier has been built for is
indicated on the back panel.Before connecting for the
first time,please ensure that your amplifier is compatible
with your electricity supply.If you have any doubt,please
get advice from a qualified technician. Your Marshall
dealer will help you in this respect.
The correct value of mains fuse is specified on the
rear panel of the amplifier. NEVER attempt to
bypass the fuse or fit one of the incorrect value.
6. H.T. FUSE
The correct value of this H.T.fuse is specified on
the rear panel of the amplifier. NEVER attempt to
bypass the fuse or fit one of the incorrect value.
Note: This equipment has been tested and
found to comply with the requirements of the
EMC directive (Environments E1, E2 and E3 EN
55103-1/2) and the LowVoltage directive in the E.U.
EUROPE ONLY - Note: The Peak Inrush
current for the 1987X-PW is 26 amps.
Technical Specification
Power Output - 50W RMS
Size - 740mm x 610mm x 265mm
Weight - 30.2 kg
Whilst the information contained herein is correct at the time of publication,due to our policy of constant improvement
and development,MarshallAmplification plc reserve the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
BOOK-00092-00 / 12 / 08
Marshall Amplification plc
Denbigh Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes,MK1 1DQ,England.
Tel : +44 (0)1908 375411 Fax :+44 (0)1908 376118
1 2 3 4 5 6
Registered Charity Numbers:
216401 & SC037717
With every 1987X-PW sold Marshall will make a sizable donation to the Childline charity. Providing help
and support to those children who need it, Childline is a vital service and one that relies heavily on private
donations to operate. It is with great pleasure that both Marshall and PaulWeller,through the creation of
the 1987X-PW,have agreed to support a charity that has such a positive effect on those who turn to it.