Philips MasterColor
Ceramic Metal Halide
Pulse Start ED23
Lamps featuring ALTO
Lamp Technology
Ideal for downtown areas,
colleges and universities
where visibility and quality
of light are important
† This lamp is better for the environment because of
its reduced mercury content. All Philips ALTO
lamps give you end-of-life options which can simplify
and reduce your lamp disposal costs depending on
your state and local regulations.
Upgrade to better white light
Philips MasterColor
Ceramic Metal Halide Pulse Start ED23
⁄2 lamps
are a better value than quartz metal halide, with longer life, higher lumen
maintenance, and energy efficiency.
Better quality white light is now available in a familiar
ED 23
⁄2 bulb shape with a mogul base
• Easy upgrade to better white light just by changing your bulb
• Choice of color temperature—3000K or 4000K
Better rated average life
of 24,000 hours
• vs. quartz metal halide pulse start 175W (MS175/U/PS) lamp with a
15,000 hour rated average life
Better lumen maintenance than quartz metal halide
• Improved lumen maintenance increases time between re-lamping
Better energy efficiency
• vs. mercury vapor and quartz metal halide with up to 90 lumens per watt
Better value than quartz metal halide
• Less mercury content than quartz metal halide, better for the environment
1) See back of page for footnote
Requires a metal halide pulse start ballast
** 100W 3000K lamp has a rated average life of 17,000 hours
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