ApneaLink™ Plus
Patient Kit Instructions
Getting started
Before fitting, lay out all the system components and read these instructions first.
Note: Wear ApneaLink Plus and belt over pajamas or nightshirts with long sleeves, to avoid any
discomfort from the belt.
Finger pulse sensor
Thread the belt through the brackets of the ApneaLink Plus and the
effort sensor. Fix the Velcro® fastener on the belt and move the
recorder to a comfortable position.
Wear the belt with recorder.
The easiest way to put on the
device is while standing in front
of a mirror.
Fit the nasal pressure cannula so that
the two small open tubes point towards
your nostrils. When doing this, ensure
that the ends point downwards.
Fit the loop around
your ears and then
back around your neck,
without pulling over
your head.
Draw the cannula to a comfortable
position under your chin. If tape or
adhesive pads have been provided
place them as indicated to help
secure the cannula.
Insert the index finger into the sensor. The finger
must reach the end of the sensor.
Recorder and sensor
1 2
Nasal cannula
3 4
Fit the pulse oximeter into the clip-on holder.