B400 Functional Description 4.13
RReeaarr CCoonnnneeccttoorr PPaanneell
XLR-type connectors are provided for the main audio connections to the module.
Pinouts are as follows:
GGrroouupp OOuuttppuutt
Pin1 Chassis
Pin2 Hot
Pin3 Cold
IInnsseerrtt SSeenndd
Pin1 Chassis
Pin2 Hot
Pin3 Cold
IInnsseerrtt RReettuurrnn
Pin1 Chassis
Pin2 Hot
Pin3 Cold
SStteerreeoo RReettuurrnn RR
Pin1 Chassis
Pin2 Hot
Pin3 Cold
SStteerreeoo RReettuurrnn LL
Pin1 Chassis
Pin2 Hot
Pin3 Cold