Yamaha QY70 Recording Equipment User Manual

For parameters with a Data Size of 2 or 4, the corresponding amount of data will be transmitted.
For Addresses and Byte Counts, refer to the attached tables.
The following four types are transmitted and received. ( Transmitted only if a Parameter Change Request
is received.)
System Data
Multi Effect Data (ignored in Voice Mode)
Multi Part Data (ignored in Voice Mode)
Drums Setup Data
(3-6-4) BULK DUMP
(3-6-4-1) XG BULK DUMP
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0n device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb ByteCount
0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb ByteCount
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
00000000 00 Data
0ccccccc ccccccc Check-sum
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
For Addresses and Byte Counts, refer to the attached tables.
Check sum is the value which produces a lower 7 bits of zero when the Byte Count, Start Address, Data,
and the Check-sum itself are added.
513 bytes or more must not be transmitted at once. Thus, if a Dump Request for 513 or more bytes is
received, the date will be divided into packets of 512 bytes or less, and transmitted at an appropriate
timing interval (120 msec or longer).
The following five types are transmitted and received. (Transmitted only if a Bulk Dump Request is
System Data
Multi Effect Data (for each module)
Multi Part Data (for each part)
Drums Setup Data (for each note)
System Information (transmitted only)
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0010nnnn 2n device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
For Addresses and Byte Counts, refer to the attached tables.
The following four types are received.
System Data
Multi Effect Data (for each module)
Multi Part Data (for each part)
Drums Setup Data (for each note)
M I D I D a t a F o r m a t