I have this Peavy Blazer 158 Transtube Series. I try to use the amp with my band, but the amp can't keep up so I try to gain more volume. As I try to gain volume, I've noticed that the sound change. The sound has blown out or something. Could you help me out as soon as possible? If the speaker is the problem, could you tell me what speaker should be the replacement.

Asked by Renz on 05/26/2010 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 7 months ago

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0 You may have blown a speaker. The Blazer 158 is a practice amp and is also great for recording, but is not made to be competing with drums in a band situation. If the speaker is ok at lower volumes, then I would leave it alone and keep it for practice. For band volumes, I suggest getting a bigger amp in the Peavey series, like a Bandit,
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