neck bows inward taward's me at the 12th fret ... and outward away from me 1st to the 4th fret... also the action is way bad 1/2 inch away from fretboard from7th fret on... the 2 dual pickups that are side by side are off level..the top 1 is far way from the ''E'' string revers on botom at the ''A'' string second small pick is far from ''G'' close to the ''D''

Asked by danny porter on 09/22/2010 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 3 months ago

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0 This site is no help at all it is a good thing this old bass i got back from a friend Is only going to be used on our last half SET!! Yamaha feel's like a 2x4!! Thank goodness for ibanez SG..Buy good gear or no gear!The F and F octave is hard 2 fret..However my ibanez SG500 play's so easy. get a good bass no starter's it will hold ya back.. Cheep stuff just dont cut it.. Dont reply to my question gonna smash it this sat night.. I will get another SG500 not cheep but ya get what ya pay for...
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