
PDS • User’s Guide 167
Command Updates — Firmware Revision 3.00
Description: Query only command for the presence of SDI output connector
Query Format: OSDISTAT -?
Query Response: OSDISTAT -s (SDI output count)
Description: Selects the Output Display Mode. (Matrix mode is only available on
PDS-902 systems.)
Command Format: OUTMODE - m (mode)
Parameters: -m (mode): 1 - fullscreen, 2 - pip, 3 - matrix
Query Format: OUTMODE -?
Query Response: OUTMODE - m (mode) --min 1 -- max 3
List Format: OUTMODE --list
List Response:
Description: A value of 1 pends a change to the PIP mode (enabled to disabled
or disabled to enabled) that will occur on the next TAKE command. A value of 0
cancels the pended change to the PIP mode.
When pending a change, the PIP button blinks to denote a pending change to the
PIP. When changing from enabled to disabled, the PIP raster outline is removed
and the next TAKE will bring the PIP down from Program. When changing from
disabled to enabled, the PIP raster outline will be shown and the next TAKE will
bring the PIP up to Program.
If AutoTake is enabled, then the PIP mode will change without having to send a
TAKE command. The query returns whether there is a PIP mode change pended.
This is intended as an internal command for the front panel but could be used
externally as well.
Command Format: PENDPIP -p(pip) -m(mode)
-p (pip): 1- Pip 1, 2 - Pip 2
-m (mode): 0 - nothing pended
1 - pend PIP mode change and update on next TAKE
Query Format: PENDPIP -p (pip) -?
Query Response: PENDPIP -p (pip) -m (mode)
Description: Sets the freeze mode of the input of the specified PIP.
Command Format: PIPFREEZE -p (pip) -m (mode)