
Section 1: Introduction
Media Servers are fully integrated visual production systems that enable video
professionals to easily develop their show from idea to realization. Allowing users to
quickly and easily set up, preview, and manage their show environment, they form the
perfect connection between the creative ideas and the display systems that bring them
to life.
Barcocouples itsmedia serverhardware withthe X-Agorasoftwaresuite. Thissoftware
is scalable,compatiblewith popularmedia formats, supportsconnectivity with various
sensors and input, and makes it possible to deploy content onto the most challenging
surfaces with anadvancedyeteasy-to-useprojection mappingtool. Itsinteractivemedia
system captures and processes data in real-time, creating interactive media content for
various types of displays.
About this guide
This guide
This user guide describes how to operate a Barco Media Server. The user guide is de-
signed to beareference tool inthe everyday work ofthe userwith theproduct. Itcontains
a complete description of the hardware components and the software suite. The
manual also includes allthe necessary instructions on how to upgrade and reinstall the
Barco provides a 1-year parts and laborwarranty for all hardware compon-
ents. Pleasereferto the AppendixB,"Warranty," for specific detailsregarding
the warranty terms.
Available system documentation
This guide is part of the documentation set describing the Barco Media Server product.
Please check online at the Barco Media Server website for the other documents.
Always check for the latest version of all documents on the Barco website.
13Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User Guide