
to filter (that is, bloc k) connections that meet criteria you set. For full details,
see the Manager Server user's guide.
The default setting of the Log and Filter control is Disable . This setting
ensures that the Wireless Gateway will not send information about network
activity to the manager console for logging or filtering. If you have set
Manager Server to log or filter connections made through the Wireless
Gateway, you must also set this panel's Log and Filter control to Enable for
the function to work.
Schedule Connection
The Schedule Connection section of the Manager Console panel consists of a
yes/no control, a schedule table, a holiday table, and a connect mode control.
Using these controls, you can
set exact times at which the Wireless Gateway should (or may) connect
to the WAN, and when it must disconnect, on each day of the week;
specify days of the year on which the Wireless Gateway should not
connect to the WAN;
specify whether connection (during times when it is allowed by the
tables) should be on-demand, continuous, or manually controlled;
enable or disable the entire connection schedule.
For the Schedule Connection feature to work correctly, the manager console's
real-time clock must be set correctly, and the connection between the Wireless
Gateway and the manager console must be reliable.
The Yes/No control turns the Schedule Connection feature on and off. To use
this control, simply click Yes or No, and then click the Save button at the
bottom of the panel. Note that the Wireless Gateway will not connect to the
WAN at all if this feature is turned on and no connection times are specified in
the Schedule Table.
The Schedule Table is for specifying times when the Wireless Gateway can
or should connect to the WAN, and when it must disconnect, on each day of
the week. There can be multiple connection periods per day. An input example
above the table shows the correct format for each connection period: starting
time, hypen, ending time, where the times always contain four digits each, are
based on a 24-hour clock, and have a colon between the hour and the minute.