Naming Your Profile
It’s time to name your band! A good name can mean the difference between opening up at the local youth
center and selling out a huge stadium. This band name will serve as the name of your Guitar Hero III:
Legends of Rock Profile. You can edit this name later in “Manage Band” located in the Options Menu.
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock’s gameplay consists of pressing the Fret Buttons and strumming on the
Strum Bar UP or DOWN in sync to the notes that are scrolling toward you on screen.
Basic Notes:
1. Hold the Fret Button that corresponds to the note on
the screen.
2. Strum on the Strum Bar UP or DOWN to play the
note. (note: If you see a string of the same notes you
don’t have to release the corresponding Fret Button for
each note, You can keep it held down.)
Long Notes (otherwise known as Sustains):
1. Hold the Fret Button down
2. Strum
3. Keep the Fret Button down until the whole note has played.
Chords are two or more notes played at the same time. These can come in the form of Basic Notes and
Long Notes.
The Whammy Bar
Press the Whammy Bar in and out on Long Notes to add your own style to each song. You’ll notice that
when you are playing Long Notes, the sound of the note will actually change and bend to reflect how
much you’re pressing on the Whammy Bar.
The Rock Meter
The Rock Meter is the ultimate gauge for how much you’re rocking in the game. This meter has four
Duuuude! There is no stopping you! You’re hitting just about every note thrown at you.
Yellow: Keep on keepin’ on! You’re
putting on an ‘ok’ show. The crowd likes
your moves…but they’re not scrambling to
make a bootleg of your performance.
Red: Lame! At this rate you’ll be lucky if you can
get anyone to help you load your gear into the van
after the show.
Flashing Red:
Ouch! You’re moments away from
failing the song unless you get your act together.
Keep this up and you’ll be booted off stage and
escorted from the venue.
The Score Meter
Every note you hit scores you points. If you can nail a series of notes perfectly then you’ll receive a
handy ‘Score Multiplier’ which is 2-4X the value of each note you hit. Mess up and your score multiplier
The Star Power Meter
Nothing blows an audience away like Star Power. Fill this meter up and you can unleash all the glory of
Star Power and achieve scores you never thought possible. Star Power automatically doubles any score
multiplier you currently have.
(The Star Power Meter needs to be at least half-full for Star Power to be available to use it.)
Difficulty Settings
The first thing every budding rock star has to decide is what difficulty they’d like to play the game.
Easy: The perfect setting for beginner players. This difficulty setting only utilizes three fret buttons - the
green, red, and yellow.
Medium: This difficulty setting brings notes a little faster and utilizes four fret buttons- the green, red,
yellow, and blue.
Hard: All five fret buttons are used, and some advanced skills are needed if you expect to rule in this
difficulty setting.
Expert: This setting separates the champs from the chumps! This insane difficulty will have you
frantically using all five fret buttons and pulling off lots of different chords.
Song Results Screen
Grade: The scale goes from up to 5 Stars, with 5 being the best. Higher grade scores earn you more
cash to spend in the store in Career mode.
This is the overall score you received on your song.
Note Streak:
Find out how long you went without making a mistake and missing a note.
Notes Hit:
This tells you the percentage of notes you hit in the song.
(If that wasn’t enough data for you… there’s even more stats available by clicking on the ‘More Stats’