AdderLink Installation and Use Page 43
ff - Set RS232 baud rate to 1200 (default)
ff - Set RS232 baud rate to 9600
ff - RS232 protocol uses 1 stop bit
ff - RS232 protocol uses 2 stop bits (default)
ff - RS232 protocol uses no parity (default)
ff - RS232 protocol uses even parity
ff - RS232 protocol uses odd parity
ff - RS232 protocol uses 7 bits per character (default)
ff - RS232 protocol uses 8 bits per character
4.2 Mouse mode and mouse switching of channels
Mouse switching is only relevant on the AdderLink Gold product where the user
connected to the XR unit requires to switch between the remote computer (1)
connected to the XL unit and the local computer (2) connected to the XR unit. This
may be done by a keyboard hotkey combination or by using a three button PS/2
mouse or an IntelliMouse.
To switch between the remote (1) and local (2) computers, the user simply holds
down the central button or wheel button and presses the left hand button to change
channel. To use this feature it must first be enabled using the M2 option. To disable
this feature use the M1 option.
If the third button is being used to switch the AdderLink XR then it is not available for
use with PC software although the function of an IntelliMouse wheel is not affected.
Consequently in M2 mode the AdderLink reports to the PCs that a 2 button mouse is
connected. If you wish to use the full function of a 3 button mouse or IntelliMouse for
your PC software then you should select the M1 option.