AKG Acoustics WMS 400 Microphone User Manual

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Although most venues are equipped with
fixed wireless installations, special perfor-
mances frequently require specific mobile
systems. The reasons for this may vary, but
the basic requirements are the same: a high-
performance wireless system in a portable
rack, whose audio signals can be fed to the
local system simply through a multicore
cable. Key prerequisites are minimum space
requirements, quick cabling and clearly
arranged controls.
Our example is a mobile 16-channel system
for a musical performance. Apart from trans-
mitters and receivers, it comprises antenna
splitters and power supply units, thus mini-
mizing the necessary amount of antenna,
power and DC cables.
Especially the amount of power feeder cables
was substantially reduced, since four anten-
na splitters, 16 receivers and active anten-
nas, as well as one spare antenna splitter and
four spare receivers, were powered by only
two PSU 4000 power supply units.
By daisy-chaining the antenna splitters, all
antenna cable runs were kept within the
rack. Just two antenna cables and two power
cables were connected to the rack. By com-
parison, the IVM 1 In-ear Monitor System
also installed in the rack, with just two chan-
nels, needed the same amount of feeders as
a 16 (or 20) channel wireless system.
Apart from the convenient and space-saving
arrangement, this setup helped to achieve a
pleasant “side effect” as it substantially
reduced hum from power cables.
The Vienna Konzerthaus
Along with the Vienna State Opera and the Golden
Musikvereinssaal (concert hall), the Vienna Konzerthaus is
one of the most famous venues in Vienna. The Vienna
Konzerthaus increasingly stages non-classical performan-
ces, such as musicals or rock concerts. Its many years of
cooperation with AKG have resulted in optimum sound for
widely differing requirements.
16 x SR 4000 True diversity receiver
Amount Item Description
2 x HT/PT 4000 Handheld or portable transmitter
8 x CU 4000 Charging unit
4 x PS 4000 Antenna splitter
2 x RA 4000 B Omnidirectional wideband booster antenna
2 x AB 4000 Antenna booster
2 x ZAPD 21 Antenna combiner