Getting Started
DJ Setup
When using the unit in a DJ setup, you should connect the
GRIP between the main outs of your mixer and the inputs
of your amplifier. The XOVER OUT should be connected
to a separate amplifier and subwoofer that can handle
very low frequencies.
Connecting the GRIP’s
OVER OUT to a speaker
that can’t handle very low
requencies could
ermanently damage your
speakers if the SUB BASS
EVEL setting is too high.
lways make sure you’re
outputting this signal to a
speaker system that can
handle it.
When using the GRIP in a recording scenario, you can
connect the unit to the inserts on one or two mixer channels,
or to the mixer’s main inserts to cover the entire mix. You
can also plug an instrument directly into the GRIP and
connect the GRIP’s output to a mixer or recording device
such as a 4-track, ADAT or digital audio workstation.
Live Performance (Club/Concert)
When using the GRIP for a live performance, connect it
between your mixer and amplifier in the same way as
described for a DJ setup above.
Important Notes on Using the GRIP
Rack-Mounting the GRIP
The GRIP fits in a 1U rack space. It’s perfectly normal for
the unit itself to get a little warm during operation.
Connecting Instruments Safely
When connecting the GRIP to instruments and other
equipment, always turn down the levels of the signals going
to your speakers or headphones. Also make sure that the
GRIP’s INPUT LEVEL knob is set fully counterclockwise.
These steps will prevent any unexpected, loud noises that
could damage your speakers (or your hearing).
t’s a good idea to turn off all
our equipment before
making connections. One of
the best ways to avoid
harmful transients is to turn
on your amplifier last, and
turn it off before all other
Maintaining Proper Levels
Never use the GRIP at extreme levels, as this also could
damage speakers. Your speakers should be safe as long as
you keep the unit at a comfortable listening volume. The
GRIP creates incredible low-end even when the volume
isn’t at maximum. If you plan on using the unit at a
considerable volume, you will need an amplifier and
speakers built to handle very low frequencies.