©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - 19MXR Instruction Manual Page 10
access the buttons secondary command Load selected song to secondary Right deck.
ENCODER & PUSH ACTION - Turn the encoder to increase or decrease the selected action. Pushing
down on the encoder activates an action. See the navigation buttons for more info.
UP (MIDI) - This control will set focus on the Left deck FX unit. The Encoder will set the amount for Param-
eter 1 on the Left FX unit; the SHIFT BUTTON + the ENCODER will set the amount for Parameter 2; and
pushing the ENCODER will turn the FX on/off.
FWD (MIDI) - This control will set focus on the Song browser. The ENCODER will browse up/down the
song list.
DOWN (MIDI) - This control will set focus on the Right deck FX unit. The Encoder will set the amount for
Parameter 1 on the Right FX unit; the SHIFT BUTTON + the ENCODER will set the amount for Parameter 2;
and pushing the ENCODER will turn the FX on/off.
BACK (MIDI) - This control will set focus on the Folder browser. The ENCODER will scroll up and down
the Folder browser, pressing the ENCODER down will open or close Folders/Devices.
FILTER - Push the Knob in to enable and disable the LPF/HPF lter. The LED indicator will glow when the
lter is On. The center position for the Filter is neutral so the signal is will not be ltered. Turn the knob to
the left from the neutral position to set the low pass lter, this will cut off all frequencies higher than the
amount set on the lter. Turn the knob to the right from the neutral position to set the high pass lter, this
will cut off all frequencies lower than the amount set on the lter.
NOTE: The Filter is assigned via the corresponding FADER ASSIGN KNOBS (15), i.e. Filter A is assigned
using Deck A FADER ASSIGN KNOB (15). The LED indicator will blink when the lter is enabled but the
FADER ASSIGN KNOB (15) is set to the Off position.
SHIFT (MIDI) - The button has 2 functions a soft and a hard shift. A soft shift is performed by toggling
the shift button, this will be indicated by a blinking shift LED. A hard shift is performed by holding down
the shift button and combining it with another button.
NOTE: When performing a hard shift, it’s recommended you release the secondary button before releas-
ing the Shift button, this is to prevent MIDI latches unless the MIDI function is a temporary function.
6. CUE LEVEL VOLUME CONTROL - Thisknobisusedtoadjuststheheadphonevolumeoutputlevel.Turn
7. MASTER VOLUME CONTROL - Thisknobisusedtocontrolthemasteroutputlevel(mainvolume).Toavoid
8. BOOTH LEVEL - ThisknobisusedtoadjuststheBoothvolumeoutputlevel.Turntheknobinaclockwise
9. CONTROLLER MODE - Thismixerhastwooperatingmode;Mixermode(default)andControllermode.
NOTE: Set your software audio routing to External mixer. Set Deck A to USB 1+2, Deck B to USB 3+4.
Set MIDILOG channels 2 and 3 to USB.
NOTE: Set your software audio routing to Headphones. Set the Master to USB 1+2 and the Headphones
to USB 3+4.
SAMPLER - VirtualDJhasabuiltinSampler.Samples1-3arestoredunderCuebuttons1-3locatedonthe