PF-350 / PF-500 Bass Guitar Amplifier
PF-350 / PF-500 Bass Guitar Amplifier PF-350 / PF-500 Bass Guitar Amplifier
PF-500 Front Panel
1. INPUT: The signal output from an
instrument (active or passive) may be
of a shielded instrument cable.
2. PEAK/MUTE LED: This red warning
is engaged, or if the input signal is too
high, the gain control is set too high, or
there is too much boost from the bass,
midrange and treble controls. If it comes
on regularly, even when these controls
are low, try engaging the –15 dB
3. –15 dB PAD: Press this switch in to
reduce the input signal by 15 dB and
compensate for higher output sources.
This attenuation is suited for use with
basses that have active electronics
or high-output pickups. Use this pad if
comes on regularly. It will reduce the
chance of overdriving the preamplifier
stage, and allow more usable range and
fine adjustment of the gain control.
4. MUTE: Press this switch in to mute the
illuminate when this switch is engaged.
5. THRESH LED: This illuminates when
the signal level is above the compressor
threshold and gain reduction is active.
6. COMPRESSION: This controls the
amount of signal compression. At the
fully counter-clockwise position, there is
no compression; at the fully
clockwise position, the compression
ratio is 10:1. The sonic effect of
compression is reduced dynamics,
increased sustain and a more consistent
output level regardless of how light or
hard the strings are played. The
compressor is very transparent - that is,
there is very little effect on the tone of
your instrument.
7. GAIN: This varies the amount of signal
driving the preamplifier. If a small
clockwise rotation from minimum leads
to overloading and the peak LED
illuminating, try engaging the –15 dB
pad. This will give more usable range
with the gain control.
8. ULTRA LO: This switch, when engaged,
enhances the amount of low-end output
by 2 dB at 40 Hz and –10 dB cut at
500 Hz.
9. ULTRA HI: This switch, when engaged,
enhances the amount of high frequency
output by 9 dB at 8 kHz.
10. BASS: Use this to adjust the low
frequency level of the amplifier. This
provides up to 12 dB of boost, or
–12 dB of cut at 40 Hz. The low
frequency output is flat at the center
ultra lo
mute ultra hi
gaincompression bass midrange frequency treble volumefx mix
31 2 4 5
PF 500
0 100 100 100 100 100 10 0 10
13 14 15 1716 18121110987654321