Behringer UB1204FX-PRO Music Mixer User Manual

11 EURORACK UB1204FX-PRO/UB1204-PRO User Manual
The ALT 3-4 outputs are unbalanced and carry the signals of the channels that
you have assigned to this group using the MUTE switch. This can be used to route
a subgroup to a further mixing console for example, or or it could be used as a
recording output working in tandem with the main output. This means you could
record to four tracks simultaneously. The icing on the cake, so to speak, is that
you could connect Y-cables to these four outputs and then connect your 8-track
recorder in such a way that you have 2 x 4 tracks (e.g. channel 1 feeds track 1 and
track 2, etc.). In the rst recording pass, you record on tracks 1, 3, 5 and 7 and in
the second pass, on tracks 2, 4, 6 and 8.
The control room output is normally connected to the monitor system in the
control room and provides the stereo mix or, when required, the solo signal.
2.4.2 Voltage supply, phantom power and fuse
Fig. 2.15: Voltage supply and fuse
The console is connected to the mains via the cable supplied which meets the
required safety standards. Blown fuses must only be replaced by fuses of the
same type and rating.
The mains connection is via a cable with IEC mains connector. An appropriate
mains cable is supplied with the equipment.
Use the POWER switch to power up the mixing console.
The PHANTOM switch activates the phantom power supply for the XLR
connectors of the mono channels which is required to operate condenser
microphones. The red +48 V LED lights up when phantom power is on. As a rule,
dynamic microphones can still be used with phantom power switched on,
provided that they are wired in a balanced conguration. In case of doubt,
contact the microphone manufacturer!
◊ After the phantom power supply has been switched on, do not connect
microphones to the mixer (or the stagebox/wallbox). Connect the
microphones before you switch phantom power on. In addition,
the monitor/PA loudspeakers should be muted before activating the
phantom power supply. After switching on, wait approx. one minute to
allow the system to stabilize.
◊ Caution! You must never use unbalanced XLR connectors (PIN 1 and 3
connected) on the MIC input connectors if you want to use the phantom
power supply.
Please note the important information on the serial number given in
chapter 1.3.3.
3. Digital Eects Processor
Fig. 3.1: Digital eects module (only UB1204FX-PRO)
Here you can nd a list of all presets stored in the multi-eects processor.
This built-in eects module produces high-grade standard eects such as
reverb, chorus, anger, delay and various combination eects. The integrated
eects module has the advantage of requiring no wiring. This way, the danger
of creating ground loops or uneven signal levels is eliminated at the outset,
completely simplifying the handling. You can route signals to the eects
processor via aux send 2 in the channels and the aux send 2 master control.
The built-in stereo eects processor has the advantage that it does not need to
be cabled up. This eliminates any danger of hum or level mismatch right from the
start providing straight-forward operation.
These eect presets are designed to be added to dry signals. If you move the
STEREO AUX RETURN FX control, you mix the channel signal (dry) and the eect
signal. You can control the balance between the two signals with the channel
fader and the STEREO AUX RETURN FX control.
Connect a standard foot switch to the foot switch connector; use this to switch
the eects processor on and o. A dot at the bottom of the display indicates if the
eects processor is muted via the foot switch.
◊ On the following page, you will find an illustration showing how to
connect your foot switch correctly.
The LED level meter on the eects module should display a suciently high
level. Take care to ensure that the clip LED only lights up at peak levels. If it is
lit constantly, you are overloading the eects processor and this could cause
unpleasant distortion. The FX control (AUX SEND 2) determines the level that
reaches the eects module.
You can select the eect preset by turning the PROGRAM control. The display
ashes the number of the current preset. To recall the selected preset, press the
button; the ashing stops. You can also recall the selected preset with the
foot switch.