
Additional Functions of the MTS 67/5
Control output - Control of external devices
Pin 4 is an open collector control output to control exter-
nal devices. When the microphone is activated the output is
low-impedance to chassis (Pin 1). The maximum current is
12 mA, the maximum voltage is 55 V, total power dissipation
150 mW. If you want to connect higher loads, this output can
also be used for the control of an additional switch.
If you connect the MTS 67/5 to the E 3300 mixing amplifier, the
current programme (e.g. music) can be faded out and the
microphone switched on for an announcement by pressing the
microphone button.
Control input - Control by external devices
The microphone unit can be controlled by an external
control contact connected to pin 5 (floating connection to chas-
sis, pin 1). The operation can be remotely controlled by an oper-
ator. Using the DIP switch located on the underside allows you
to select between remote control operation (switch to “Remote
control only”) or microphone button and remote control equal-
ly (switch to “Remote and internal control”).
If you connect the MTS 67/5 to an operating console, video
conference or media control system the microphone unit can
be switched on and off centrally at the operation console, by
the conference participant or by the media control system.
To connect the MTS 67/5 us a cable with the following structure:
2 wires shielded (AF), 2 control lines and overall shield.
MTS 67/3 with 3-pin male XLR connector . . Order # 453.862
MTS 67/5 with 5-pin male XLR connector . . Order # 454.168