19.3.4 dev : MIDI Device ID 00H-7FH
The contents of this field in a received message are compared with the Model's MIDI Device ID, and receipt of the incoming
message is allowed only when the two IDs match. When a message containing 7FH is received, receipt of the message is
always allowed, regardless of the Instrument's ID setting.
Note, however, that the Instrument does not have a specific Device ID, so use only 7FH for send and receive.
19.3.5 act : Action
aaaaaaaB = Action
This field indicates the operation of the Instrument-specific System Exclusive Message.
NOP: No Operation
No operation is performed when this action is received.
IPR: Individual Parameter Request
Indicates an individual parameter value send request message. When the Instrument receives this action, it uses an IPS
message to return the specified parameter value.
IPS: Individual Parameter Send
Indicates an individual parameter value send message. When the Instrument receives this action, it rewrites the value specified
by the data field with the specified parameter value.
OBR: Oneway Bulk Parameter Set Request
Indicates a send request message using parameter set image one-way mode. When the Instrument receives this action, it
uses an OBS message to return the specified parameter set.
OBS: Oneway Bulk Parameter Set Send
Indicates a parameter set image send message using one-way mode. The parameter set to be transferred is divided into
multiple packets when it is greater than a prescribed size. At this time, packets are transferred at intervals of the prescribed
time (20 msec) or greater.
HBR: Handshake Bulk Parameter Set Request
Indicates a send request message using the parameter set image handshake mode. When the Instrument receives this action,
it uses an HBS message to return the specified parameter set.
Format: 0dddddddB
Format: 0aaaaaaaB
aaaaaaaB Action Function
00H NOP No Operation
01H IPR Individual Parameter Request
02H IPS Individual Parameter Send
03H OBR Oneway Bulk Parameter Set Request
04H OBS Oneway Bulk Parameter Set Send
05H HBR Handshake Bulk Parameter Set Request
06H HBS Handshake Bulk Parameter Set Send
0AH ACK Acknowledge
0BH BSY Busy
0CH RJC Reject
0DH EOD End of Data
0EH EOS End of Session
0FH ERR Error