DMX-44 User Manual 5 Revised: 2006-01-13 21:30:19
Product Overview (front)
Item Button or Fader Function
1 Scanner select buttons Fixture selection
2 Scanner indicator LEDS Indicates the fixtures currently selected
3 Scene select buttons Universal bump buttons representing scene location for storage and selection
4 Channel faders For adjusting DMX values, Ch 1~8 can be adjusted immediately after pressing the
respective scanner select button, Ch 9~16 after pressing the Page select button
5 Page A Indicator LED Represents Ch 1~8 range selected
6 Page B Indicator LED Represents Ch 9~16 range selected
7 Page select button In manual mode, press to toggle between pages of control or to select both pages
simultaneously. Both LEDS on will allow control of both lower and upper range channel.
8 Program button Used to enter programming mode
9 Music/Bank Copy button Used to activate Music mode and as the copy command during programming
10 LCD display window Status window displays pertinent operational data
11 Mode Indicator LEDS Provides operating mode status, (manual, music or auto)
12 Bank Up button Function button to traverse Scene/Steps in banks or chases
13 Bank Down button Function button to traverse Scene/Steps in banks or chases
14 Tap Display button This is a Tap-Sync during playback and during programming changes the DMX value
displayed in the LCD panel to percentages
15 Blackout button Sets the shutter or dimmer value of all fixtures to “0” causing all light output to cease
16 Midi/Add button Activates MIDI external control and also used to confirm the record/save process
17 Auto/Del button Used to activate Auto mode and as the delete function key during programming
18 Chase buttons Chase memory 1 ~ 6
19 Speed fader This will adjust the hold time of a scene or a step within a chase
20 Fade-Time fader Also considered a cross-fade, sets the interval time between two scenes in a chase
21 Fog button Built in Chauvet fog controller
22 Strobe button Built in Chauvet strobe controller