The Master Section:
33 AUX RET: Returns the stereo or mono signal from an external device.
Stereo devices use both the Left and Right jacks; mono devices use
only the Left jack.
34 EFF RET: Returns the effected signal from an external effects device. Stereo
devices use both the Left and Right jacks; mono devices use only the Left
35 TAPE IN/TAPE OUT: Connect to the record and play jacks of an exter-
nal tape deck. (See page 13.)
36 AUX OUT: Sends the Aux signals to an external device. The mix at this
jack is determined by the setting of each channel’s Aux control (#9, #24).
37 MONO: The signal at this jack is a summed mono version of the Main L/R
signals. The level at this jack is controlled by the Mono master control (#58).
38 EFF OUT: Sends the Effect signal to an external effects device. The mix
at this jack is determined by the setting of each channel’s Eff control
(#11, #26).
39 HEADPHONES: Normal operation: monitors the Main L/R or Group
1/2 signals, depending on the setting of the Grp / L/R master switch
(#52). When one or more of the PFL or AFL buttons are depressed the
signal at this jack is switched to monitor only the PFL selection(s). The
signal level at this jack is controlled by the Monitor master control (#51).
40 MAIN OUTS: These balanced jacks send the Main L/R output signals
to the house amplifier(s). (See pages 8-12.) The signal level at these
jacks is controlled by the Main L/R fader (#60).
41 GROUP OUTS: These balanced jacks send the Group 1/2 output sig-
nals to the house amplifier(s). (See pages 8-12.) The signal level at
these jacks is controlled by the Group 1/2 fader (#59).
42 MONITOR OUTS: These balanced jacks send the Monitor output sig-
nals to the local reference monitor amplifier(s). (See pages 8-12.) The sig-
nal level at these jacks is controlled by the Monitor master control (#51).
43 AUX RTN: Controls the signal level sent from the Aux Rtn jacks (#34)
to the Main L/R bus.
44 AUX PFL: This switch, when depressed, sends the signal from the Aux
Rtn jacks (#33) to the Monitor master control (#51). The Output LED
Meters (#57) are also switched to monitor this signal, which is pre-level
control. The PFL LED (#55) illuminates to indicate that the
Headphones (#39), Monitor (#42) and LED Meters (#57) are now
responding to the PFL selection.
45 EFF RTN: Controls the signal level sent from the Aux Rtn jacks (#33) to
the Main L/R bus.
46 EFF PFL: This switch, when depressed, sends signal from the Eff Rtn
jacks (#34) to the Monitor master control (#51). The Output LED
Meters (#57) are also switched to monitor this signal, which is pre-level
control. The PFL LED (#55) illuminates to indicate that the
Headphones (#39), Monitor (#42) and LED Meters (#57) are now
responding to the PFL selection.
47 TAPE IN: Controls the level of the signal from the Tape In jacks (#35)
to the Main L/R bus. To avoid feedback, this control must be rotated
fully counter clockwise (“0” position) when using both sets of Tape In
and Out jacks during recording.
CMX62 Stereo Console Mixer