Software Installation
0202 USB 2.0 Owner’s Manual 9
5. In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, select the Remove ALL option.
6. Click the Yes button.
7. Restart your computer when prompted.
You may now re-install existing or updated E-MU device drivers or applications.
Macintosh OS X
Follow these instructions to install the 0202 USB 2.0 drivers and software on a
Macintosh OS X computer. First, connect the 0202 USB 2.0 to your computer as
shown on page 12
Install the 0202 USB 2.0 Software
1. Insert the E-MU Software/Manual CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click on the E-MU icon on the desktop.
3. Double-click on the Install icon to start the installation.
4. The installation Welcome screen appears. Follow the instructions on the
5. When the Authenticate dialog box appears, enter the administrator password
you chose when you installed OS X.
6. Continue to follow the instructions on the screen to continue the installation.
You will be given the option to install:
• Easy Install: Installs the following applications and drivers.
E-MU 0202 USB 2.0: USB Drivers and Control Application
• Custom Install: allows you to choose which components are installed.
7. Easy Install is recommended. The software will be quickly installed. When
prompted, restart your computer.
8. Be sure to register your 0202 USB 2.0 so we can advise you of future software
updates and special offers. You can register online at: www.emu.com/register
Set-up the 0202 USB 2.0 as your Default Audio Device
9. Click Go -> Utilities from the menu bar.
10. Double-click Audio MIDI Setup, then click the Audio Devices button if it’s
not already selected. The window shown on the following page appears.
11. Select the 0202 USB 2.0 for the following: Default Input, Default Output,
System Output, Properties For.
12. Play a song on iTunes to verify that the 0202 USB 2.0 is the default device for
audio playback.
13. Quit iTunes.