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To reduce the risk of serious injury, in-
cluding cuts, amputation of fingers, and
splashing in the eyes or on the skin:
D Always shut off the mixer and disconnect the air
line before checking or repairing the mixer.
D Wear eye protection.
To prevent an explosive hazard, where
injury and/or property damage can re-
D Do not operate this air motor with combustible
D Do not use kerosene or other flammable
solvents to flush unit.
D Keep face away from exhaust port. Foreign
material exiting the air motor can be hazardous.
If the motor is sluggish or inefficient, flush it with non-
flammable solvent in a well ventilated area.
The recommended solvent for air motors and lubri-
cated pumps is GastR Flushing Solvent (Part No.
AH255 or AH255A) or InhibisolR Safety Solvent.
1. Disconnect the air line and muffler.
2. Add several teaspoons of solvent or spray the
solvent directly into the motor.
3. Rotate the shaft by hand in both directions for a
few minutes.
4. Reconnect the air line and slowly apply pressure
until there is no trace of solvent in the exhaust air.
5. Re-lubricate the motor with a squirt of light-weight
oil in the chamber.
is a registered trademark of Gast Manufactur-
is a registered trademark of Penetone Corp.
D If the unit requires more than installation of a ser-
vice kit, it is usually quickest and easiest to send
the unit to the Graco distributor for repair or re-
D If the vanes need replacing or foreign material is
present in the motor chamber, an experienced
mechanic may remove the end plate opposite the
drive shaft end. Do not pry with a screwdriver. It will
dent the surface of the plate and body, causing
leaks. Use a puller tool, which will remove the end
plate while maintaining the position of the shaft.
D New vanes should have the edges with cut corners
(or the notched edges, if the vanes are reversible)
pointing toward the bottom of the vane slot.
NOTE: An Air Motor Repair Kit is available. Order part
number 224954.
Aligning the Outlet Housing after
Repairing or Replacing the Outlet Housing
or Air Motor
Improper installation of the outlet housing could
cause the agitator shaft to bind against the outlet
housing bearing and damage it.
1. Place the agitator in a vertical position and loosen the
three outlet housing screws (17). See Parts Drawing.
2. Apply 25 psi (1.7 bar) minimum air pressure to the air
motor. Adjust the needle valve so the agitator is bare-
ly turning.
3. While the agitator shaft is turning, torque the three
outlet housing screws to 80 to 100 in-lbs (9 to
11.3 NSm).
4. If the agitator shaft still binds, repeat steps 1 to 3
Lubricating the Air Motor
Not lubricating the air motor will cause air motor failure.
If an air line lubricator is not installed, the air motor
must be manually lubricated every 8 hours. Lubricate
the agitator air motor by placing 10–20 drops of SAE
#10 light oil in the motor’s air inlet. Run the agitator for
about 30 seconds.