2. SourceTrack ....................[1…16, 1–2…15–16,
1–4…13–16, 1–8, 9–16, 1–16, Clip#
[1…16, 1–2…15–16]
Select the source track for the editing operation.
:“Clip#” can be selected only for “CopyTrk.” # is
the number of tracks(=1, 2, 4, 8, 16) in the clip-
board. You can use “Clip#” to copy to tracks of a
different song. If you copy data between songs of
differing bit rates, it will be treated as 16 bit data
at the copy destination.
: This can be selected only for “ExpCmpTrk.”
For a 24 bit song, only tracks 1–8 can be selected.
For “CopyTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the copy source
For “SwapTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the swap
source track.
For “ReverseTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the reverse
source track.
For “ExpCmpTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the expan-
sion/compression source track.
For “CopyWholeTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the copy
source track.
For “SwapWholeTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the swap
source track.
3. DestTrack........................[1…16, 1–2…15–16,
1–4…13–16, 1–8, 9–16, 1–16, Clip#
[1…16, 1–2…15–16]
Select the destination track for the editing opera-
:“Clip#” can be selected only for “CopyTrk.” # is
the number of tracks in the clipboard. You can
use “Clip#” to copy to tracks(=1, 2, 4, 8, 16) of a
different song. If you copy data between songs of
differing bit rates, it will be treated as 16 bit data
at the copy destination.
: This can be selected only for “ExpCmpTrk.”
For a 24 bit song, only tracks 1–8 can be selected.
For “CopyTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the copy desti-
nation track.
For “InsertTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the insert desti-
nation track.
For “EraseTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the erase desti-
nation track.
For “DeleteTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the delete des-
tination track.
For “SwapTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the swap desti-
nation track.
For “OptimizeTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the opti-
mize destination track.
For “ExpCmpTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the expan-
sion/compression destination track.
For “CopyWholeTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the copy
destination track.
For “SwapWholeTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the swap
destination track.
For “ReverseTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the reverse
copy destination.
4. Times...................................................[1…99]
For the “CopyTrk,” “ReverseTrk,” and “Exp
CmpTrk” (“EditT
ype”) operations, specify the
number of times the data will be copied.
5. DestVTrk ................................................[a…h]
For “CopyWholeTrk” (“EditType”), select the vir-
tual track of the copy destination track (“Dest-
Track”) to which the data will be copied.
For “SwapWholeTrk” (“EditT
ype”), select the vir-
tual track of the swap destination track (“Dest-
Track”) with which the data will be swapped.
6. Exec.(Execute).................................................
Execute the track editing operation. For the results
of the operation, refer to the explanations in “Edit-
Type” (→p.53).
7. Wave..............................................................
This displays the track audio as a waveform, allow-
ing you to set the editing points (IN, OUT, TO)
with greater precision.
This can be selected when “EditType” is set to
“CopyTrk,” “InsertTrk,” “EraseTrk,” “DeleteTrk,”
“SwapTrk,” “ReverseTrk,” or “ExpCmpTrk.”
It can also be selected when the cursor is located at
ceTrack” or “DestTrack.”
Before you make settings here, it is best to set the
IN, OUT, and TO locations to the approximately
locations desired.
7a. Select Track...............................................
Select the track whose time location you wish to
7b. Zoom-in/out/up/down .............................
Adjust the height etc. of the waveform display area.
7c. Locate ......................................[In, Out, To]
Specify the location.
When you move the cursor to “Locate
,” scrub will
be automatically turned on, and you can rotate the
[VALUE] dial to hear the track selected by “Select-
Track” by itself (solo) as you make settings.
When you press the “OK” button, the specified
time will be overwritten for the selected key ([IN/
LOC1] etc.). If you press the “Cancel” button, the
setting will be cancelled.
8. Mode..............................................................
Select the method by which the expansion/com-
pression time will be calculated.
DestVTrack (a...h)
DestVTrack (a...h)