1) Input 1—This 1⁄4” input jack provides the highest gain through the amp. It is
considered to be the “normal” input.
2) Input 2—This 1⁄4” input jack provides 6dB lower gain through the amp, so it
will allow for a cleaner sound. It can also be useful when using pedals in front
of the amp, since it provides more headroom through the front end. If a guitar
is plugged into both inputs, then they will mix together and will both be 6dB
lower in gain.
3) Rhythm Indicator—the word “Rhythm” lights up when the Rhythm channel
is active.
4) Rhythm Volume/Pull Bright—The Rhythm Volume control adjusts the gain
at the input of the amplier when the Rhythm channel is active. It is used
in conjunction with the Rhythm Master to adjust the amount of distortion and
volume for the channel. For cleaner sounds, this control would be set to lower
settings and the Master set higher. For slight breakup, the controls would be
set in their middle ranges. For heavier distortion, set the Rhythm Volume higher
and the Master lower. Pulling the Pull Bright will increase the high frequencies
of the signal, while also reducing low frequencies for a chunkier, tighter attack.
This function is very useful for ne-tuning the amp’s tone and feel for different
5) Rhythm Master—The Rhythm Master sets the overall volume of the Rhythm
channel, and can be used to balance the volumes between it and the Lead
channel. The inclusion of individual Master volumes for each channel means
that the Rhythm channel of the V100 can be used for slight breakup sounds
at lower volumes, rather than strictly being a “clean” channel. These settings
are described in detail in the previous section entitled 4) Rhythm Volume/Pull
6) Channel Selector Switch—When the footswitch is NOT plugged into the
footswitch jack, this switch allows the user to select either Rhythm or Lead
channels on the V100. If the footswitch IS plugged in, it over-rides the front
panel switch.
7) Lead Indicator—the word “Lead” lights up when the Lead channel is ac-
8) Lead Volume/Pull Bright—The Lead Volume control adjusts the gain at the
input of the amplier when the Lead channel is active. It is used in conjunc-
tion with the Lead Master to adjust the amount of distortion and volume for the
channel. For cleaner sounds, this control would be set to lower settings and the
Master set higher. For slight breakup, the controls would be set in their middle
ranges. For heavier distortion, set the Lead Volume higher and the Master lower.
V100 Front Panel
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