M-Audio AXIOM AIR 61 Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Transport Controls
Axiom AIR's transport controls allow you to perform the following operations in your Logic Pro project:
Play: Press Play to start playback.
Stop: Press Stop to stop recording or playback.
Record: Press Record to start recording on all record-enabled tracks.
Rewind: Tap Rewind once to move the playhead one bar to the left. Press and hold Rewind to
move the audio pointer's current position backward. Release the button to stop it.
Fast Forward: Tap Fast Forward once to move the playhead one bar to the right. Press and
hold Fast Forward to move the audio pointer's current position forward. Release the button to
stop it.
Jump to Project Start: Hold the Loop button down and press Rewind to jump to the Project
Start position.
Jump to Project End: Hold the Loop button down and press Fast Forward to jump to the
Project End position.
Undo: Hold the Loop button down and press Stop to undo or cancel the last operation in Logic
Pro (the same as selecting Undo from the Edit menu).
Cycle-Play: Press and hold the Loop button and then press Play to activate or deactivate
Cycle Play Mode (playback will loop in the "cycle area" as set by the left locator and right
locator positions in Logic Pro's transport).
Cycle-Record: Press and hold the Loop button and then press Record to activate or
deactivate Cycle Record Mode (recording will loop in the "cycle area" as set by the left locator
and right locator positions in Logic Pro's transport).