
STEP 2: Setting up your PC to use Logic
Start up Logic and go to Audio > Audio Hardware and Drivers.
Match all the settings in the pop-up window that appears to those shown below.
Then close the window.
NB: Make sure your computer’s speakers are switched on, and your soundcard supports a recording
format of 16 bit/44.1kHz. Sound card settings. Your PC has a sound card that takes care of all sound that
goes into and comes out of your computer. There are many different types of sound card, so if you don't
know, check the manual that came with your PC or with your sound card to see which type you have. You
can normally check the current settings of your sound card by going to Start > Settings > Control Panel
> Multimedia > Devices, or to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Multimedia > Audio. You may also see
some options under Start > Programs > 'Sound card name' (whatever your sound card is called). There
are a few sound card settings it would be a good idea to check:
a) The buffer setting. The lower the buffer setting, the less the delay between recording and hearing the
sound played back, but the bigger the drain on your PC. We recommend you start out with a buffer
setting of around 512, but you may have a powerful machine that can handle a lower setting than this.
b) Mic input/Line input. You may find an option in your sound driver settings that allows you to change
between Mic or line input. For recording through a microphone, make sure this is set to Mic input.
c) Sound drivers. A sound driver is a software program that makes your sound card work. You may want
to check with the manufacturer of your sound card that you have the latest drivers.
This box may
appear, click
Try (Re)Launch
Click on this
box to enable you
to change to EASI
Direct Sound.
Make sure this box is ticked (note: if your
computer is fitted with an Audiowerk sound
card, tick the audiowerk box instead).
Logic Hit Kit will play back eight
tracks, but if you have a slow
computer you may have to
set this to four.
Leave this box
Un-tick this box
(if ticked, you may
hear a slight delay
between singing, or
playing into the
microphone, and
hearing the sounds
fom your speakers.).
You may need to
tick this box if your
computer is slow.
Try with it off first.