The KSM9 provides superior sound in any application that demands reference
quality audio. The KSM9 is the ideal microphone for touring musicians,
regardless of venue.
The frequency response of the two patterns on the KSM9 sound nearly
identical, making it possible to choose a pattern most suitable for a given
application. The cardioid pick-up pattern provides excellent sound isolation
and gain before feed-back with minimal off-axis coloration. The narrower
supercardioid pick-up pattern provides maximum sound isolation and is ideal
for applications in which there are high levels of ambient noise, or where
multiple instruments or vocalists are close to each other.
General Rules for Microphone Use
1. Mute all microphone channels prior to plugging or unplugging XLR
cables, switching polar patterns, applying pads, high pass filters or
applying phantom power.
2. Aim the microphone toward the desired sound source and away from
unwanted sources.
3. Place the microphone as close as is practical to the desired sound
4. Keep the distance between microphones at least three times the distance
from each source to its microphone.
5. Place microphones as far as possible from reflective surfaces.
6. Use the fewest number of microphones as is practical.
7. If necessary, add a windscreen when using the microphone outdoors.
8. Do not cover any part of the grille with your hand.
Wired Models Description
KSM9/SL Dual-Pattern (Cardioid/Supercardioid)
Handheld Vocal Microphone, Champagne
KSM9/CG Dual-Pattern (Cardioid/Supercardioid)
Handheld Vocal Microphone, Charcoal