Nucleus Reason Profile Guide Page 1
Nucleus Daw Control - Default Reason Profile
Main Soft Key Page
The Reason Soft Key set contains 14 MCU commands together with 2 USB keyboard short cuts, Edit and Tools, to switch Menu
Above you can see the assignments for the Nucleus’ Left Hand Soft keys.
NM/VAL (NAME/VALUE) flips the lower row of the channel encoder displays to show the names of the Reason parameters
controlled by the faders instead of the name of the Reason Device assigned to the faders (with the exception of
the 14:2 mixer where the channel (fader) labels are displayed in the upper row and the function of the encoder is
shown in the lower row when NM/VAL is active). The UP/DOWN cursor keys select next/previous track in the
Reason Sequencer, which automatically assign the track’s instrument/device to the faders and encoders. The
encoder parameter name is only displayed when the encoder is turned. The FLIP command interchanges the fader
and encoder parameters and displays the names if NM/VAL has been selected.
AReset activates the Reset Automation Override function.
Pan, Aux 1, Aux 2, Treble Bass and FxRet
assign the named mixer function to the channel encoders when a 14:2 Mixer is the target track device. When
Malström is the target track device, Aux 1 and Aux 2 toggle the channel controls between Oscillator A + Modulator
A and Oscillator B + Modulator B.
SOLO acts as Solo ON/OFF for the target track
MUTE acts as Mute ON/OFF for the target track
EDIT switches the Sequencer to Edit Mode on the target track
NoFlip cancels the FLIP status (operating the FLIP key a second time will not cancel the FLIP function) and is illuminated
when FLIP is not active.
SOLO-X cancels all active track Solos.
MUTE-X cancels all active track Mutes.
Toggle Rotates the Reason Rack (Front/Rear).
Redo everses a change caused by the UNDO function. It illuminates whenever there is a valid REDO option.