file. Select "Don't Close".
2. Select the "DM-24 Template" file from your drive.
3. Go to Windows, and select "Open Hyper Edit". This will display the
Hyper Edit Set.
4. Under the Hyper menu option, select "Select All Event Definitions".
5. Then select under the Hyper menu, "Copy Even Definition".
6. Now Go to the Windows menu, and at the bottom it will list both
active sessions. Select the original autoload session.
7. Go back to Windows, and select "Open Hyper Edit".
8. If asked whether or not you want to "Open selected Folder or to
Create a new Sequence", select "Create"
9. Once Hyper Edit window appears, go to the Hyper menu, and select
"Create Hyper Set". A new set with a "Volume" event definition will appear.
10. Under the Hyper menu, select Paste. The copied event definition will
11. Select the original event definition labeled "Volume" and delete it.
12. Double click the event definition name that says "MIDI Controls" (under
the tool bar) and rename it "DM-24"
Your done! This Hyper edit set can be used with any DM-24 objects you
create while automating. It's a great tool for manipulating automation data
in a non real-time fashion.
Event Definitions that begin with the letter "v" refer to fader volume, with
the respective channel number following. Letter "m" is for mutes, and
letter "p" is for panning. Refer to Logic's manual for the details in how
to use the Hyper Edit functions.
Save the changes to your autoload file, so your new DM-24 tools will be
available with each new session.