Yamaha Electric Bass Guitar User Manual

The curvature of the neck should be slightly concave.
Clockwise rotation of the nut tightens the rod and corrects for
too much concave bow. Counterclockwise rotation of the nut
loosens the rod and corrects for too much convex bend. Make
any adjustments gradually. Allow five to ten minutes for setting,
and check the curvature after each 1/2 turn of the truss rod nut.
Proper pickup adjustment ensures maximum output level and
uniform response on all strings. To make adjustments, follow the
directions below:
Using your left hand, depress each string at the last fret, while
setting one end of the 15cm rule on top of the pickup section
directly under each string. The flat side of the rule should be
against the string. The space between the bottom of each string
and the top of the corresponding pickup section should be 2mm.
NOTE:Unless you have experience with truss rods, we sug-
gest that you entrust this adjustment to your dealer.
Pickup adjustment screws
Pickup adjustment screws
If too much
concave bow
If too much
convex bend
1-EB/E 04.2.25, 6:00 PM6