
SNMP MIB Files 29
lp.mib — LANplex Systems MIB, version 1.3.0
lpOpFddi.mib — LANplex Optional FDDI MIB, version 1.2.1
mib2.mib — MIB-II, RFC 1213
rmon.mib — RMON MIB, RFC 1757
srbridge.mib —Source Routing MIB RFC1525
vlan.mib — LANplex VLAN MIB
Compiler Support ASN.1 MIB files are provided for each of the MIB compilers in this list. Any
warnings or exceptions related to a compiler are listed with it.
SMIC (version 1.0.9)
MOSY (version 7.1)
For the MIB file lpOpFddi.mib, the MOSY compiler reports warnings for
counter names that do not end in “s”. This report has no effect on the
output produced by the MOSY compiler.
HP Openview (version 3.1)
mib2schema (with SunNet Manager version 2.0)
The MIB file fddiSmt7.mib produces the following warning messages when
the file is compiled using mib2schema:
Warning: The following INDEX entries in fddimibMACCountersTable
not resolved:
Translation Complete.
Schema file in ÒfddiSmt7.mib.schemaÓ
Oid file in ÒfddiSmt7.mib.oidÓ
These warning messages have no effect on the ability of SunNet Manager
to use the schema file generated with SunNet Manager versions 2.0 or later.