2 Configure “mykey” as the shared key for the AAA negotiation with the
TACACS+ server.
[3Com-HWTACACS-tactemplate1]shared-key mykey
[3Com-HWTACACS-tactemplate1] quit
3 Enable AAA.
4 Implement authentication on telnet login users.
[3Com]login telnet
[3Com]aaa authentication-scheme login login-authen-list template tactemplate1
[3Com] login-method authentication-mode telnet login-authen-list
5 Implement authentication on the PPP users accessed from the interface
[3Com]aaa authentication-scheme ppp ppp-authen-list template tactemplate1
[3Com]interface serial 0
[3Com-Serial0] link-protocol ppp
[3Com-Serial0] ppp authentication-mode pap scheme ppp-authen-list
[3Com-serial0] quit
6 Configure a login authorization scheme.
[3Com]aaa authorization-scheme login login-author-list template tactemplate1
7 Specify an authorization scheme for login users.
[3Com]login-method authorization-mode telnet login-author-list
8 Enable PPP authorization and use the ppp-author-list authorization scheme on
[3Com]aaa authorization-scheme ppp ppp-author-list template tactemplate1
[3Com]interface serial 0
[3Com-Serial0]link-protocol ppp
[3Com-Serial0]ip address
[3Com-Serial0]ppp authorization-mode ppp-author-list
[3Com-serial0] quit
9 Enable login accounting and configure the accounting scheme account-list.
[3Com] aaa accounting-scheme login login-account-list template tactemplate1
10 Use the login-account-list scheme to enable accounting for telnet login users.
[3Com]login-method accounting-mode login telnet login-account-list
11 Enable accounting and use the ppp-account-list accounting scheme on Serial0.
[3Com] aaa accounting-scheme ppp ppp-account-list template tactemplate1
[3Com] interface serial 0
[3Com-Serial0] link-protocol ppp
[3Com-Serial0] ppp accounting ppp-account-list
3Com Router Configuration Guide Addendum for V1.20