Port Statistics (Traffic) 6-3
■ Broken—No cable attached.
Current Utilization—The percentage of bandwidth
usage for the port you are currently viewing. This
value indicates the general traffic level on the individ-
ual port. Ideally, this figure should be below 60%,
which indicates that the port is responsible for a rea-
sonable amount of traffic relative to the entire ring.
High utilization values suggest that you should adjust
the network topology by reducing load on that port
through segmentation.
Frames Forwarded—A running average of the pro-
portion of the received frames forwarded. This value
is expressed as a percentage of all received frames,
based on a sampling interval of 20 seconds.
Broadcast Frame Bandwidth—A running average
of the broadcast frame bandwidth. This value is
expressed as a percentage of theoretical maximum
bandwidth availability, based on a sampling interval
of 20 seconds.
Error Frames—This field displays a running average
of the percentage of error frames with CRC errors
and is based on a sampling interval of 20 seconds.
Traffic Statistics—Select this category to view the
Port Statistics (Traffic) screen. See the next section.
Port Statistics (Traffic)
The TR Port Statistics (Traffic) screen provides a
detailed display of statistics for the port you are view-
ing. To view the Port Statistics screen, proceed as fol-
lows from the TR Port Statistics screen:
1 Select TRAFFIC STATISTICS button in the lower
left-hand corner of the screen.
The TR Port Statistics screen appears. See Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-3 Sample TR Port Statistics (Traffic) Screen
The Port Statistics screen displays the following fields:
Unit ID—The identifying number of the unit you are
Port ID—The identifying name of the port you are
viewing. Should read TR-in-FE.