Configuring VLANs 33
networks. This also provides for a more secure and
cleaner network environment.
You can create up to 256 VLANs, add specific ports to
a chosen VLAN (so that the port can only communi-
cate with other ports on the VLAN), or configure a
port make it a member of all VLANs.
Communication between different VLANs can only
take place if they are all connected to a router or layer
3 switch.
Creating a VLAN
Use the Create VLANs screen to create VLANs on the
Switch. To propagate information about VLAN
groups used on this Switch to external devices, you
must specify a VLAN ID for each VLAN.
Figure 14 Create VLANs Screen
Available options on the Create VLAN screen include:
■ VLAN ID – ID of configured VLAN (1-4094, no
leading zeroes)
■ Name – Name of the VLAN (1 to 32 characters)
For examples on setting up VLANs, refer to “
VLAN Configurations”.
CAUTION: At least one port must always be a
member of VLAN 1 (the management VLAN). If you
choose to connect all ports to VLANs other than
VLAN 1, you will no longer be able to access the Web
interface. If this happens, you will need to reset the
Switch to factory settings.
By default, all ports belong to VLAN 1.
Deleting VLANs
Use the Delete screen to remove a VLAN group from
the current list.
Figure 15 Delete Screen
■ VLAN ID – ID of the VLAN to be deleted. If any port
is assigned to this group as untagged, it will be
reassigned to VLAN group 1 as untagged.