3Com Router 5000 and Router 6000 v2.41
Module Guide
Chapter 2 Smart Interface Cards
Figure 2-11 SIC-2BS panel
Figure 2-12 SIC-2BU panel
The status description of the LEDs is given in the following table:
Table 2-8 Description of the LEDs on SIC-BS and SIC-BU panels
LED Description
OFF means B1 channel is idle. Blinking means B1 channel is occupied and
data communication is being conducted.
OFF means B2 channel is idle. Blinking means B2 channel is occupied and
data communication is being conducted.
OFF means deactivation. Blinking means activating process. ON means
active status.
OFF means the power to the SIC is disconnected (caused by the failure of
power supply to the SIC and so on). ON means the SIC is normally
powered on.
For ISDN, “active” describes the action or process that a terminal device synchronizes the network clock.
It belongs to the physical layer category. In order to decrease power consumption of exchange device
and etc., usually the terminals and network (LT port) should be “deactivated”.
2.3.5 Interface Cable
Both of Router 2-Port ISDN-S/T SIC and Router 2-Port ISDN-U SIC use the telephone
cable with ferrite core.