3Com Router 6000 Family
Installation Manual
Chapter 5
Maintaining Software
3Com Corporation
Upon completion of application image upgrade, the router reboots and checks Boot
ROM version for consistency before starting the VRP software. If the version of the
current extended Boot ROM image segment is not the same as that of the extended
segment to be started, the system automatically updates the Boot ROM image, and
displays “Upgrade Bootrom............! Download completed.Please wait, it needs a long
time###### Writing into Boot ROM Succeeds.” Then, the system continues its boot
5.2.3 Backing Up/Restoring the Extended Segment of the Boot ROM Image
I. Backing up the extended segment of the Boot ROM image to the Flash
Follow these steps to back up the extended segment of the Boot ROM image:
Step 1: Enter Boot Menu (refer to the section “
Boot Menu”) and select option 8 to enter Boot
ROM Download Menu.
Step 2: Select option 4 in the menu to copy the current extended segment to Flash memory.
Backup Extended Segment, are you sure?[Y/N]
Enter <Y>. The system displays:
Writing to FLASH.Please wait...####
Backuping Boot ROM program to FLASH successed!
Step 3: When Boot ROM Download Menu appears again, select option 5 to exit and reboot the
II. Restoring the extended segment of the Boot ROM image from Flash
In case of extended Boot ROM segment errors or an inadvertent upgrade operation, take these
steps to restore the extended segment of the Boot ROM image from Flash memory to the Boot
Step 1: Enter Boot Menu (refer to the section “
Boot Menu”), and select option 8 to enter Boot
ROM Download Menu.
Step 2: Select option 3 in Boot ROM Download Menu to restore the extended segment from
Flash memory.
Restore Extended Segment, are you sure?[Y/N]
Enter <Y>. The system displays:
Writing to Boot ROM.Please wait...######
Restoring Boot ROM program successed!
Step 3: When Boot ROM Download Menu appears again, select option 5 to exit and reboot the