Booting the Switch 7750 53
Powering up and
Turn on the power for the Switch 7750 and run the BootROM program. The
terminal displays the following information:
RAM Line....OK
System is booting.....................
* *
* Switch 7750 BOOTROM, Version 300 *
* *
Copyright(C) 2001-2005 by 3Com Corporation, Inc.
Creation date: Mar 25 2003, 09:33:05
CPU type : MPC8260
CPU Clock Speed : 200Mhz
BUS Clock Speed : 66Mhz
Memory Size : 256MB
FAB64 self testing...............................
60X_SDRAM Data lines Selftest.............................OK!
60X_SDRAM Address lines Selftest..........................OK!
60X_SDRAM fast selftest...................................OK!
Please check LEDs.....................LEDs selftest finished!
Switch chip selftest......................................OK!
CPLD selftest.............................................OK!
The switch Mac address is .....................00E0.FC00.7505
Press Ctrl+B to enter Boot Menu... 5
To enter Boot Mode (see Chapter 6), press Ctrl+B during the 5 seconds that “Press
Ctrl+B to enter Boot Menu...5” is displayed. To perform decompression
immediately, press ESC while this message is displayed. If you do nothing, the
system enters the following auto-booting port within 5 seconds:
Auto booting file is sw7750001.app
There are 2 files in this packet
FAB64 app file <<FAB64001.app>> is...OK
Starting at 0x60000...
User interface Aux0 is available