
3 Enter the location of the previously downloaded file in the text box, or click
Browse to search for the file.
4 After the file has been located, click Upgrade.
The firmware of the gateway will be upgraded. Make sure that you do not power
down the gateway during the upgrade procedure. If this occurs, you will have to
restore the settings of the gateway to factory defaults (see above), and then
reenter all of your settings.
Miscellaneous Items Select Miscellaneous Items to generate the Miscellaneous Items screen.
The Miscellaneous Items screen contains four options: DHCP Server, IP Address of
DMZ* Host, Remote Administrator Host, and Discard Ping from Internet side.
DHCP Server
Correctly configuring all the TCP/IP settings of the computers in your home
network is a complicated and time-consuming task. Fortunately, the setup
program provides a simple approach to handle all these settings. Instead of setting
up each computer separately, the gateway can act as a DHCP server, alloting each
computer on your home network an IP address.
To activate the DHCP Server option, click the Enable check box that corresponds to
DHCP Server.
DMZ Host
A DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) Host is a computer without the protection of firewall.
This state allows the computer to be exposed to unrestricted 2-way communication
from outside of your home network. This feature should be used only if the Virtual
Server or Special Applications options do not provided the level of access needed for
certain applications.
To configure one of your computers as a DMZ host, enter the last digit(s) of the IP
address of the computer in the IP Address of DMZ Host text box, and then click
the Enable check box.