Integrated Services Digital Network. ISDN provides a digital
telephone service which allows both data and voice
communication over the same telephone line and at
significantly faster speeds than the traditional POTs service.
There are two types of lines which provide access to ISDN, BRI
and PRI.
Kilobits per second. The rate at which data is transmitted
between communication equipment such as ISDN modems.
Layer 1
In ISDN communications, the physical layer of
communications between the communication equipment. If
layer one is down, there is no ISDN connection between the
devices. The status bar in the 3C882 ISDN modem
Configuration screen indicates layer 1 status.
Multilink PPP
Multilink PPP is a protocol which provides a method for
combining multiple PPP connections. With a BRI line,
Multilink PPP aggregates the two 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps I
SDN B channels, creating a virtual single digital connection
of up to 128 Kbps.
National ISDN
An ISDN standard that enables consistency in ISDN service
features across different vendors’ equipment and switches for
North America.
Network terminator (NT1)
A device that terminates the ISDN line. The NT1 is built into
the 3C882 ISDN modem.