IP and TCP checksum for Windows
2000 5, 52
IPSec for Windows 2000 5, 52
TCP segmentation for Windows
2000 5, 52
Windows 2000 networking and
security tasks 5, 52
configuring for a group of different
NICs 54
disabling 53
enabling 53
enabling TCP/IP checksum for
NetWare 65
support 45
online Help 82
online Knowledgebase 82
online technical services 109
OpenView Network Node Manager 7
packet priority (802.1p) offload 5, 52
packet receive buffers, NetWare 56
packets, viewing 94, 95
pause frames 8
PC requirements 14
PCI slot, identifying 17
physical security 7
pin assignments 98
pinouts, crossover cable 87
policy (security), creating 38
Preboot Execution Environment (PXE)
specification 4, 6
primary NIC 9, 45, 50
binding protocol, NetWare 63
changing, Windows 50
probe interval command 70
group, displaying, Windows 51
displaying, Windows 51
editing, Windows 50
property settings, changing in Windows
2000 52
PXE, see Preboot Execution Environment
Receive LED, viewing 82, 94
receive timeout command 70
received frames, viewing 95
reception flow control 8
red X in Windows Device Manager 83
release notes, accessing 83
remote control 7
Remote Control and Management
Protocol, see RMCP
Remote System Alert Manager 7
remote system alerts 5
Remote Wake-Up
cable, connecting 19
multiple NIC Installations 6
overview 5
requirements 6
troubleshooting 85
NIC from a group, Windows 50
NIC software 87, 88
server features
NetWare 90
Windows 2000 89
Windows NT 89
3Com DMI Agent 99
cabling 98
computer 14
driver installation
NetWare 56, 107
Windows 21, 107
hardware and software 14, 20
memory 14
PC 14
Remote Wake-Up 6
resilient server links (RSLs) 9
retry count command 71
returning products for repair 112
RJ-45 port, pin assignments 98
ROM initialization 7
safety precautions 13
secondary NICs 9, 50
physical 7
security policy, creating 38
Security Software Utility
downloading 34
installing encryption through 36
self-healing drivers (SHDs) 9
configuring for NetWare 65
default setting 74
overview 9
send timeout command 71
sent frames, viewing 95
server features 9
NetWare 44, 62, 65
Windows NT 44
installing NetWare 62
NetWare 66
Windows 44
removing 89, 90
Slot Number 65
multiple NICs, NetWare 57
obtaining numbers, NetWare 57
3Com NIC Diagnostics program,
installing 29
NetWare drivers, installing 55
removing 87
updating 31
Windows network drivers,
installing 21
spanning tree 45, 66
cabling, RJ-45 port 17
NIC 97
speed (media), setting for NetWare 65
speed, link, viewing 95
Statistics tab 92
statistics, network, viewing 94
straight-through cable 87
support databases, accessing 82
Support tab 92
symmetric flow control 8
system memory alerts 7
system requirements
NetWare 56, 107
Windows 21, 107
Systems Management Server 7
TCP and IP checksum offload 5, 52
TCP segmentation offload 5, 52
TCP/IP checksum offload, enabling for
NetWare 65
technical support
3Com Knowledgebase Web
Services 109
3Com URL 109
network suppliers 110
product repair 112
temperature alerts 7
Network 93
NIC 93
text files, EtherCD 105
timeout 70
traffic prioritization
configuring 49
overview 9, 11
transmission flow control 8
Transmit LED, viewing 82, 94
transmit load balancing 10, 45
cable 85
cleaning up a broken installation 83
error messages 83
group configuration 72
hubs 87
hubs with crossover cable 87
LEDs 82
load balancing
NetWare 72
Windows 51
MBA boot ROM 77
network connection 84, 86
NIC installation 83
Remote Wake-Up 85
Windows 2000 property
settings 52